Job Seekers
SAS Transport
Company vacancies: 2
Country: Poland
City: Wyszków
Address: ul. Fryderyka Chopina 9/2U, 07-200 Wyszków
Primary contact: Andrzej Muszyński
Ready to hire: Non-EU Citizen, Senior, Students


Ready to hire: Non-EU Citizen, Senior, Students

Reply without resume

Requirments for applicant

Driver's license category: C, CE
Additional permits: 95 code, Chip card

Working conditions

Country: Poland
Type of job: inside country
Form of employment: Full time
Work table: Replaceable

Salary: 6000 PLN 



Additional rules:

Co dzienne powroty na pauzę w do domu .

nowe auta automatyczne skrzynie biegów

Stołówka z obiadami w dobrej cenie

łazienki ,prysznice

parking dla osobówek

we provide assistance in receiving "Code 95"